2025-2026 Course Selection Process The course selection process for the 2025-2026 school year has begun! Click the "Read More" for more information and links to access the course guide and course selection forms.
Student & Staff Holiday & Teacher PD Student & Staff HolidayFriday, November 1stStudent Holiday/ Teacher PD DayMonday, November 4thClasses Resume Tuesday, November 5th
No outside lunches allowed Reminder, we do not accept outside lunches for students at BMS. They are allowed to bring their lunch to school but if a student forgets their lunch we will not accept lunches to be dropped off.
Kona Ice Comes To BMS Kona Ice came by with a welcome back treat for our staff. We want to say Thank you so much Kona Ice! We enjoyed our snow cone!
Schedule in Skyward If there is an error on the schedule, please use the link provided to complete the Schedule Error form.
Open House 🐾 BMS Open House 🐾August 8th from 4:00-6:00All students are invited to come walk your schedule and find your classes for the 24/25 school year! IMPORTANT: If you have not completed returning registration for this school year by Monday August 1st, your child will not have a schedule. Please make sure you have completed the registration forms in Skyward.
2024-2025 School Supply Please click the title to see the BMS school supply list for the 2024-2025 school year.
2023 Pumpkin Drop Burnet Middle School students participated in a pumpkin drop competition on Tuesday, October 31st. Congratulations to the winning Bulldog Leadership Classes whose pumpkins survived: Mrs. Bobbitt, Mrs. Faust, Mrs. Leggett, Mrs. Kneese, Coach Craig and Coach Arguelles.